PAL-UP Student Page

Join This Week’s Zoom Class

Before The Zoom Class Be Ready With The Following:

  • Have pen and paper ready

  • Identify a job you are interviewing for

  • Come dressed to the zoom class how you would dress for the interview

  • Review interview questions

  • Be ready to turn your camera on

    Find good lighting and prop up your device (cell, computer, or Ipad) so that the camera captures a full clear shot of you from the chest up.


Here you will find zoom recordings of classes.
Recordings will be uploaded weekly.

Week 1

Orientation/Roadmap To Success

Week 2

Goal Setting & Time Management Skills

Week 3

Communications Skills

Week 4

Guest Speakers – Discovering Your Pathway To Sucess

Week 5

Resume Building & Job Applications

Week 6

Interview Prep/Mock Interviews

Week 7

Financial Literacy

Week 8

Exploring Careers

Week 8

Exploring Careers

Week 9

Certification Programs/Career Options

Week 10

Mapping Your Road To Success


Interview Prep

Mock Interviews
