20 Years of Service To The Community

PAL Family Impacts Change Across Two Decades

Power-couple Ramiro and Goretti Cervantes have been coaching soccer in our Hollenbeck PAL soccer program for the past 20 years. Every one of their children, five in total, have played in our program.

It all started back in 1999 when their eldest son, Ramiro, started playing at the age of six. “We started coaching,” Mr. Ramiro explains, “because our kids played, but after a while, we found that by coaching we were able to help the community of Boyle Heights by keeping our kids off the streets and away from gangs and drugs.” Mr. Cervantes goes on to say, “With training, we were able to teach them good morals, discipline and self-respect, among other things so they can be better children, students, and citizens.”

15078814_1381489141862646_4925443544593916140_nIt’s been an awesome ride for the Cervantes family, their children have all grown. Ramiro, now 25, is attending East Los Angeles, Community College while working at Stevenson Middle School. Rodrigo, 23, is a USMC (the United States Marine Corp) reservist and third year transfer student at Cal State University, Los Angeles. Laura, 21, is a senior at California State University, Northridge majoring in Kinesiology. Isaac, 19, is now a junior attending Cornell University. And their youngest, Goretti-Anai is finishing high school and getting ready for college.

Although Ramiro and Goretti Cervantes say that The Hollenbeck Sports 4 Kids Program has played an instrumental part in the development of their children, we can confidently say the Cervantes and their dedication to team sports and community, have also touched many lives. The life lessons they have given our youth will last a lifetime. We sincerely say THANK YOU for your long lasting service.